
Ezekoye, Benadeth Ndidiamaka, PhD

Industrial Technical (Electrical/Electronic Technology) Education


Ezekoye Benadeth N. is a lecturer, researcher and work-based learning (teaching practice) coordinator in Department of Industrial Technology Education, Michael Okpara University of Agriculture, Umudike (MOUAU). She is an ardent advocate of quality teaching and learning via quality digital instructional materials; passionate about seeing that students reap the full benefits of receiving quality instructions. Her passion for quality instruction has led her to develop and validate innovative educational software known as Electrical Machine Winding Intelligent Tutor (EMWIT), for teaching and learning how to rewind a burnt 3-phase squirrel cage induction electric motor for Technical Education Programmes in Nigeria during her doctoral degree programme.

She has over seven years of instructional experiences and practical applications of Information Communication Technology (ICT) in teaching and learning at higher education. She started her career as a secondary school teacher and has over seven years experiences worked with Post-Primary Schools Services Commission, Anambra State, Nigeria, focusing on Technical and Vocational Education and Youth Empowerment. She worked as Head of Section Electrical Installation and Maintenance Practice, Government Technical College, Utuh, Nnewi and Head of Physics / Mathematics Unit, Community Secondary School Azia.

Ms. Benadeth has published papers in various learned journals and presented several workshop / conference papers. She has equally contributed in a number of funded researches for national and international organisations including the Tertiary Education Tax Fund (TETFund), Hewlett – Packard (HP) and World-Bank Assisted STEP-B Projects. She is a reviewer of a reputable Journal known as American Journal of Educational Research, Science and Education Publishing, USA.  


Dr. Ezekoye is also an affiliate Staff of University of Nigeria, Nsukka UNEVOC Centre on Work-based learning (WBL) and Information Communication Technology (ICT), mainly involve in researching, designing, developing and validating of client-funded intervention programmes as well as organizing and participating in up-skilling workshop on curriculum development, WBL issues and ICT instructional delivery approaches in TVET programmes.



Name                                     DR. EZEKOYE, BENADETH NDIDIAMAKA

Sex:                                        Female

Place of Birth:                         Ibadan, Oyo State.

Marital Status:                        Single

Nationality:                             Nigeria

State of Origin:                       Anambra

Contact Address:                    Electrical / Electronic Technology Section,

Department of Industrial Technology Education,

Michael Okpara University of Agriculture, Umudike,

Abia State.

Permanent Address:             St Michael’s Catholic Church Agbiligba, Nanka, Orumba North, Anambra State.


E – Mail:                        




Institutions Attended

Qualification Obtained








University of Nigeria Nsukka,

Enugu State.


Ph. D in Industrial Technical – Elect. /Elect. Technology Education



University of Nigeria Nsukka,

Enugu State.

M. Ed in Industrial Technical – Elect. /Elect. Technology Education




University of Nigeria Nsukka,

Enugu State.

B. Sc in Industrial Technical – Elect. /Elect. Technology Education


Federal College of Education (Technical) Umunze, Anambra State.


NCE in Elect. / Elect. Technology Education


Agulu Girls’ High School, Agulu

Senior School Certificate



Community Primary School, Ekwulobia      

First School Leaving Certificate








Centre for Development of Advanced Computing, CDAC, Noida, India.


Specialized Programme Certificate on Design, Development and Implementation of E-learning Courses



Lusaworks Ltd, e-learning development and consultancy, Minna, Niger State.


Basic Training Certificate on Maxon CINEMA 4D



Center for Technical Vocational Education, Training and Research (CETVETAR), University of Nigeria, Nsukka (UNN)


Certificate of Training Completion on Flash Media Software and Development of Learning Objects


University of Nigeria of Nsukka with State University of New York, Oswego, USA.

Up-Skilling Technical and Vocational Trainers/Educator on Modern Instructional Materials and Delivery Systems in TVET





UNESCO-Nigeria Project, South-East Zonal Centre, Federal Polytechnic Nekede, Owerri, Imo State

Computer Training Certificate on MATLAB Package and Electronic Workbench





National Teachers’ Institute Kaduna (NTI), Nigeria

Certificate on Effective Methods of Teaching Technical and vocational Education, Effective Use of School-Based Assessment and Improvisation of Instructional Materials.



UNESCO-Nigeria Project, South-East Zonal Centre, Federal Polytechnic Nekede, Owerri, Imo State.

Certificate on Key Features of the Newly Revised Technical College Curricula for Teaching Staff in Technical Schools.


C. International / National Professional/Consultancy Experiences

1.                   Resource Person, National Commission for Colleges of Education (NCCE) 4-day Workshop with stake holders of Nigeria Certificate in Education (NCE) awarding institutions for reviewing the 2012 edition of NCE Minimum Standards for Science Education Programmes at Delta State College of Education Agbor (23rd -27th April, 2018).


2.                   Panelist, NCCE Accreditation Team on Computer Science Course in School of Sciences, Federal College of Education, Yola, Adamawa State (11th – 16th February, 2018).


3.                   Resource Person, BIBB / UNEVOC Workshop on Work-based Learning as a Pathway to Competence-Based Education – Research and Implementation Strategies from a Comparative and Global VET Perspective at the Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training (BIBB) in Bonn, Germany (Rm. 1.150), June 22 – 23, 2017.

4.                   Alumna, 2016 \ 2017 Indian Technical Economic Co-Operation (ITEC) and Special Commonwealth Assistance for Africa Programme (SCAAP) for the Ministry of External Affairs, Government of India on a Specialized Programme: Design, Development and Implementation of E-learning course at Center for Development of Advanced Computing (CDAC) NOIDA, a Scientific Society of Ministry of Electronics & IT, Government of India, (17th Oct. – 09th Dec., 2016).

5.                   Resource Person, Reviewer & Discussant, Vocational Education and Training (VET) Development Symposium on current situation and development of further education and research in vocational education and training in sub-Saharan Africa. Namibia University of Science and Technology, Windhoek, Namibia (23rd  – 25th August, 2016).


6.                   Panelist, NCCE Accreditation Team on Computer Science Course in School of Sciences, College of Education, Akwanga, Nasarawa State (2nd – 6th May, 2016).


7.                   Panelist, NCCE Accreditation Team on Computer Science Course in College of Education, Foreign Links campus, Moro, Ife North, Oyo State (24th- 28th Jan., 2016).


8.                   Resource Person, Establishing African Development Bank- sponsored Business Development Centres (BDC) on the Eight Science Technology and Vocational Education Project Institutions of Department of Technology and Science Education (DTSE), Federal Ministry of Education, Abuja. Funded by African development Bank (ADB), 2015.


9.                      Reviewer, American Journal of Educational Research. Science and Education Publishing, USA, (2015).


10.                  Supporting Staff, Centre of Vocational Education, Training and Research (CETVETAR), UNN. Conducted up-skilling training workshop, researched on new technologies and methodologies in education and production of training materials (2010-2015).


11.                  Resource Person, Business Development Centre (BDC) operations manual for the Department of Technology and Science Education (DTSE), Federal Ministry of Education, Abuja. Funded by African development Bank (ADB), 2014.


12.                     Resource Person, Development of the Draft National Education Policy on Product Innovation, Exhibition and Commercialization for the Department of Technology and Science Federal Ministry of Education, Abuja. Funded by African Development Bank (ADB), (2013 – 2014).


13.      Project Coordinator, Facilitating Learning for All in Technical and Vocational Education (TVE) Subjects through Development of Digitalized Learning Objects (LOs) for Teachers and Students in Nigeria Funded by Education Trust Fund (ETF), Abuja, Nigeria (2013-2014).


14.                     Investigator, Effects of Mobile Technology Accessed Learning Objects (LOs) on Students’ Achievement and Retention in Science and Metal Technology courses. Funded by HP Innovation in Education Grant, (2009-2014).


15.                     Resource Person at Michael Okpara University of Agriculture Umudike (MOUAU) Grant Writing Workshop, (2014).


16.                     Communication Coordinator, Faculty of Education International Conference Planning Committee (2013/2014)


17.                     Resource Person to Policy, Planning, Management and Research Department (PPM & R), Federal Ministry of Education (FME) on Development of National Policy on Science and Technology Education (2013).


18.                     Participant to LMTF (Learning Metrics Task Force), Toward Universal Learning: A Global Framework for Measuring Learning. Report No. 2 of the Learning Metrics Task Force. Montreal and Washington: UNESCO Institute for Statistics and Center for Universal Education at the Brookings Institution.


19.                     Resource Person, Up-Skilling (Train-the-trainer) Programme for TVET Lecturer at the Newly Approved Degree Awarding Federal Colleges of Education (Technical) in Nigeria held at University of Uyo. Funded by the World Bank Sponsored STEPB Project in Nigeria (2013).


20.                     Resource Person to ADAPT, Association for International and Comparative Studies in Labour Law and Industrial Relations on Productivity, Investment in Human Capital and the Challenge of Youth Employment held 18th – 19th October, 2012 in University of Bergamo (Italia) Italy.


21.                     Resource Person at UNN – CETVETAR Dissemination Workshop on Digitalized Learning Objects (LOs) for Teaching TVE Subjects in Nigeria held 23rd July at University of Nigeria, Nsukka. Funded by Education Trust Fund (ETF), Abuja, Nigeria.


22.                     Resource Person at Training Workshop on Production of Digitalized Learning Objects (LOs) for Teaching Technical Education Subjects. Funded by Education Trust Fund (ETF), Abuja, Nigeria (2012).


23.            Resource Person, Capacity Building of Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) Teachers for University of Nigeria Centre of Excellence in Technical and Vocational Education and Training. Funded by the World Bank Sponsored STEPB Project in Nigeria (2011).


24.               Resource Person, Catholic Women Organization (C.W.O), Presenting Seminar Papers and Conducting Skill Acquisition Training on Economic Empowerment of Catholic Women for High Quality Living, (2007 – Date)


25.               Contributor, Redesigning the Curriculum and Development of Instructional Materials for the Market School Programmes in South Eastern Nigeria on Basic Electricity. Funded by Education Trust Fund (ETF), Abuja, Nigeria (2007).


26.               Resource Person, Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) and Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs), Conducting Staff Training on Vocational, ICT and Entrepreneurship Skills, (2007 – Date).


27.               Examiner, National Business and Technical Education Board (NABTEB) on Basic Electricity, (2006 – 2014)


28.               Examiner, National Examination Commission (NECO) on Physics and Mathematics, (2003-2006)


29.               Examiner, West African Examination Commission (WAEC) on Introductory Technology, (2003-2004)







Jan., 2016 -Date


Michael Okpara University of Agriculture, Umudike, Abia State.


Teaching Digital Electronics, Electrical Technology and Departmental courses, Researching and Supervision of Teaching Practice, Industrial Training and Research project work for both Undergraduate and Post-graduate (PGDE) students (Sandwich and Regular).


Jun., 2009 –   Dec., 2015


University of Nigeria, NsukkaEnugu State

Senior Technologist

Taught Educational Technology in Vocational Technical Education, VTE, (Edu 570, 0571 & 224), Developed Digital Aids, Conducted ICT Training Needs Analysis and Facilitated Training Workshops and Conferences, Researched on New Technologies and Methodologies in VTE.


Sept., 2002 –  2009


Post-Primary Schools Services Commission, PPSC, Awka, Anambra State.


Master I

Taught- Winding of Electrical Machine, Domestic and Industrial Installation, Basic Electricity, Physics and Mathematics; Head of Section-Electrical Installation and Maintenance Practices (2004-2007); Head of Physics and Mathematics Unit (2002 – 2004).


Jan., 2002 – Dec., 2002

Government Secondary School, Gazewa, Gazewa L.G.A, Kano State, Nigeria.

Youth Corper (National Youth Service Corp

Taught – Mathematics and Introductory Technology.


Community Secondary School, Ihite, Orumba South, Anambra State

Student Teacher

Taught – Mathematics and Introductory Technology


Nigeria Telecommunication limited (NITEL), Port Harcourt, River State, Nigeria.

Industrial Trainee (IT)

Installed Pay Phone Booth, Trouble shoot/identified and rectified/ restored faulty lines


BEEKS Nigeria Ltd. AguluAniocha L.G.A, Anambra State, Nigeria.     

Industrial Trainee (IT)

Maintenance and Repair of Electric Motors and Panels



Moodle, Microsoft Office (Word, Power Point and Excel), Black Board, Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS), Flubaroo, Macromedia Flash, Macromedia Fireworks, Electronics Workbench, Window Movie Maker, Starboard, Google Drive, E-Mail, Skype, YouTube, HTML, Articulate storyline and Text Aloud.



1.      Industrial Technical Education (Electrical/ Electronic Technology)

·         Electrical Machine

·         Electrical Installation

·         Electronic/Telecommunication


2.      Research Interest

·         Pedagogy in Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET)

·         Policy Issues in Technical and Vocational Education

·         Curriculum Development in Science, Technical and Vocational Education

·         Information Communication Technology Integration and e-learning development

·         Educational / Instructional Technology/Media in TVET

·         Workforce Development

·         Entrepreneurship Education/Training and Wealth Creation Strategies

·         Youth and Women Empowerment in TVET

·         Gender Issues in Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET)

·         Work-based Learning



(A)          Books (Mainline books, Chapters in mainline books, book of general interest (non- mainline), chapters in non-mainline books, Monographs & Editorship of books)

1.      Ezekoye, B. N. (Press). Integrating Gender Issues into Work-based Learning Programmes of Higher Education in Nigeria. In Bahl, A & Dietzen, A. (Press). Work-based learning as a pathway to competence-based education – Research and Implementation Strategies from a Comparative and Global VET Perspective. Germany: BIBB.


2.      Ezekoye, B. N. (2017). Paradigms for Networking Universities and Vocational Education and Training Institutions on Competency-Based Further Education in Sub-Saharan Africa. In Eicker, F., Haselo, G. & Lennartz, B. (2017). Vocational Education and Training in Sub-Saharan Africa: Current Situations and Development (pp. 93 – 103). Germany: W. Bertelsmann Verlag GmbH & Co. KG.


3.      Ezekoye, B. N. (2017). Technology Challenges in Implementing Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET) Programmes in Nigeria. In Okolie, U. C. & Yasin, A. M. (2017). Technical Education and Vocational Training in Developing Nations (pp. 65-84). USA: IGI Global.


4.      Ezekoye, B. N. (2014). Youth Self-Employment and the Emerging Software Development Industry in Sub-Sahara Africa: Curricula and Policy Imperatives. In T. Fashoyin & M. Tiraboschi (Eds.) Tackling Youth Unemployment (pp 367 – 383). New Castle (UK): Cambridge Scholars Publishing.


5.      Ezekoye, B. N. (2010). Use of teamwork approach for quality instructional delivery   in vocational-technology education. Nigeria Vocational Association Book of Readings 15(1), 150-159.    


(B)  Journal Articles

6.      Ukpongson Mathew & Ezekoye, B. N. (2015). Improving delivery in technical vocational education and training for sustainable economic diversification. Journal of Nigerian Association of Teachers of Technology (JONATT), 10 (3), 72-86.


7.      Ogwo, B. A. & Ezekoye, B. N. (2014). Technical Vocational Education and Training   (TVET), Global Learning Metrics and Learning for All in Sub-Saharan African Countries. Network for Policy Research Review and Advice on Education and Training (NORRAGNews 50, 78 – 79.


8.      Ogwo, B. A. & Ezekoye, B. N. (2007). Identification of learning experiences and contents for e-learning programme on basic telecommunication in Nigeria.  Journal of Vocational and Adult Education (JOVAE) 6(1), 1-11.


9.      Ezekoye, B. N. (2006). Developing e-learning programme on basic telecommunication in Nigeria: goals and curriculum controls. Review of Education 17(1), 148-157.


10.  Ezekoye, B. N. (2005). Facilities/delivery system and evaluation for e-learning programme on basic telecommunication in Nigeria: Journal of Science Teacher’s Association of Nigeria (JSTAN), 14 (1&2), 90 – 97.


(C) Technical Reports

11.  Contributor (2014). Business Development Centre (BDC) Operations Manual for the Department of Technology and Science Education (DTSE), Federal ministry of Education, Abuja. Funded by African development Bank (ADB).


12.  Contributor (2014). National Policy on Product Innovation Exhibition and Commercialization for the Department of Technology and Science Education (DTSE), Federal ministry of Education, Abuja. Funded by African development Bank (ADB).


13.  Ogwo, B. A., Ezekoye, B. N., Chukwuone, C. & Ejiofor, E. T. (2014). Facilitating Learning for all in Technical and Vocational Education (TVE) subjects through Development of Digitalized Learning Objects (LOs) for Teachers and Students in Nigeria. Funded by Education Trust Fund (ETF).


14.  Ogwo, B. A, Akanaeme, Olaitain, Ubachukwu & Ezekoye, B. N. (2014). Effects of Mobile Technology Accessed Learning Objects (LOs) on Students’ Achievement and Retention in Science and Metalwork Technology Courses. Funded by HP Innovation in Education Grant.


15.  Participant, Learning Metrics Task Force, LMTF, (2013). Toward Universal Learning: A Global Framework for Measuring Learning. Report No. 2 of the Learning Metrics Task Force. Montreal and Washington: UNESCO Institute for Statistics and Center for Universal Education at the Brookings Institution.


16.  Ugwu, J., Ezekoye, B. N. & Ukaa, I. M. (2007). Basic and Post Basic Education Curriculum Modules for Prevocational and Vocational Subjects on Basic ElectricityIn Redesigning the Curriculum and Development of Instructional Materials for the Market School Programmes in South Eastern Prepared by Skills for Life’s Seasons Educational and Health (SLSEHC). Funded by Education Trust Fund (ETF).

(D)  Creative Output on Design and Development


i)         Development and validation of electrical machine winding intelligent tutor (EMWIT) for technical and vocational education programme. A research work / project submitted to Department of Vocational Teacher Education (VTE), University of Nigeria, Nsukka (UNN), for the Award of Doctor of Philosophy (Ph. D.) Degree in Industrial Technical Education, (2014). 


ii)       Design and development of learning objects (LOs) on electrical machine winding tools for teaching and learning winding of electrical machine (WEM) in technical colleges. Research by Centre for Vocational Technical Education Training and Research (CETVETAR), Abuja: Tertiary Education Trust Fund (TETFund), (2012).


iii)     Design and development of learning package on energy and energy conversions. CUDIMAC teaching and learning package on primary science for middle basic school pupil vol. 1, (2010).


iv)     Design and development of instructional video on energy and energy conversions. CUDIMAC teaching and learning package on primary science for middle basic school pupil vol. 1, (2010).


v)       Construction of 24volt battery charger for instructional purpose. A project submitted to Department of Vocational Teacher Education (VTE), University of Nigeria, Nsukka (UNN), for the Award of Bachelor of Science (B. Sc.) Degree in Industrial Education, (2001). 


vi)     Design and construction of automatic light dependent switch. A project submitted to school of Industrial Technical Education, Federal College of Education (Technical), Umunze (FCET), for the Award of Nigeria Certificate in Education (NCE) Technical in Electrical Electronics Technology Education, (1998).




Name of Committee






Industrial Technology Education (ITED) Editorial Board




Associate Editor


ITED Teaching Practice Co-ordination



Departmental Coordinator


Curriculum Development and Instructional Materials Centre (CUDIMAC) Sub Advisory Committee on CUDIMAC, UNN




Acting Secretary


CETVETAR Mobile Lab Committee





UNN-ICT Five Year Strategic Planning Sub-Committee






CUDIMAC, UNN Budget Committee





CUDIMAC Volunteered Staff for UNN five- Year Strategic Planning Committee






Faculty of Education, UNN International Conference Planning Committee




Communication Coordinator


University of Nigeria, 2012 TETFund Grant on Education.






University of Nigeria, African Development Workshop Series (ADWS)




Member Technologist Team


University of Nigeria STEP-B Project



Member Secretarial Team


Interactive Forum and Training Programme for University of Nigeria Key Officials and Development Officers




Team Member


University of Nigeria 2009 HP (Hewlett-Packard) Grant on Innovation in Education Award



Technical Investigator



Supporting Staff, Centre of Vocational Education, Training and Research (CETVETAR) UNN, 2010-2015

·   Conducting Up-skilling Training Workshop, Research and Production of Training Materials.


Resource Person, Catholic Women Organization (C.W.O), 2007 –Present

·   Presenting Seminar Papers and Conducting Skill Acquisition Training on Economic Empowerment of Catholic Women for High Quality Living

Resource Person, Non Governmental Organizations (NGOs) and Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs), 2004-Present

·   Conducting Staff Training on Vocational, ICT and Entrepreneurship Skills



·         Federal College of Education (Technical), Umunze 1997/98 academic session prize as the best graduating student from School of Industrial Technical- Electrical / Electronic Technology Education.


Award& Honor:

Employee Recognition and Development, Federal Ministry of Education, 2005, Abuja, Nigeria

·         Received Technical Teacher Training Programme Award 2004/2005for a two years course study leading to the award of M. Ed (Industrial Technical- Electrical/Electronic Technology Education) at University of Nigeria Nsukka.


Best Student Recognition, Anambra State Government, 2000, Anambra, Nigeria.

·         Received Best Graduating Student Award 1997/98 academic session from School of Industrial Technical- Electrical / Electronic Technology Education, Federal College of Education (Technical), Umunze, Anambra State, by Dr. C. C. Mbadinauju (Odera) as the Governor of the State.   


1.                              Member, International Vocational Education and Training Association (IVETA)

2.                              Member, Nigeria Vocational Association (NVA)

3.                              Member, National Association of Technology Teachers (NATT)

4.                              Member, Teacher Registration Council of Nigeria (TRCN)

5.                              Member, Nigerian Education and Research Association (NERA)

6.                              Associate Member, Science Teacher’s Association of Nigeria (STAN)


L.                             HOBBIES. Teaching, Researching, Studying, Travelling, Trekking, Music, Event Planning and Management, Creative Arts, Interior Decoration and   

                                Instructional Aid Designing.



i.   Professor V. E. Onweh

    Head, Department of Industrial Technology Education (ITE),

    Michael Okpara University of Agriculture, Umudike,

    Abia State.


ii.  Professor Rev. Fr. H. E. Ichioku

     Economics Department,

     University of Nigeria, Nsukka,  

     Enugu State.


iii.  Professor B. A. Ogwo

     Chair, Career & Technical Education Preparation Department

     State University New York (SUNY), Oswego



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