



RANK:                                                                       Associate Professor

NAME:                                                                       Duvie, Adanma Nnekwu (nee Ibiam)

NATIONALITY                                                        Nigerian

APPOINTMENT                                                        6th Feb 1986. Rivers State College of Education. Rumuolumeni. P.H.



 IN MOUAU                                                              14thApril 2009

STATUS ON FIRST APPOINTMENT                     Lecturer 1

PRESENT STATUS                                                   Associate Professor

DATE OF LAST PROMOTION                               1st October, 2015.

PRESENT SALARY                                                 CONUASS 65

DEPARTMENT:                                                        Educational Management


1.      Educational Institutions attended(with dates)

INSTITUTION                                                                                 Date

University of Ibadan                                                                           1973 – 1977

University of Ibadan                                                                           1979 – 1980

University of Ibadan                                                                           1990 – 1995

2.      Academic Qualifications Obtained (with Dates)

a.       Doctor of Philosophy ( Personnel Management)                          1995

b.      Master of Educational Management                                             1980

c.       Bachelor of Education ( Geography, Second Class Lower)         1977

d.      West African School Certificate(Grade One)                              1971

e.       First School Leaving Certificate   (Distinction)                            1963


1.      Pervious Work Experience with dates and position    Date

National Youth Service Corps (Ogbogbo, Ijebu Ode1977 – 1978         

Federal Government College,IkotEkpene                        1978  1979   

Education Officer II, House mistress

Rivers State College of Education Port Harcourt            1980 – 1993   

Lecturer 1

Michael Okpara University of Agriculture, Umudike      1996 – April 13, 2009

Deputy Registrar

Michael Okpara University of Agriculture, Umudike      April 14, 2009

Lecturer I

Michael Okpara University of Agriculture, Umudike      October 2012

Senior lecturer

2.      Teaching Experience

a.       Rivers State College of Education Port Harcourt

(Now Ignatius Ajuru University of Education Port Harcourt) 1980 – 1993

Ø  Taught various Education and Geography courses at regular NCE and Undergraduates levels

Ø  Supervised  Teaching practice as far as  Omoku, Sagbama, AgudamaEpie and Yenegoa now in Bayelsa State

Ø  Supervised NCE and Undergraduatestudents’ projects.

b.      Michael Okpara University of Agriculture, Umudike2009–till date

Ø  Lectures regular Undergraduates, sandwich students, and Post graduates students (PGDE, MEd,and Ph.D.)

Ø   Supervises researches at Undergraduate and Postgraduate levels(BEd, PGDE ,MEd ,PhD)

Ø  Conducts personal researches, writes and publishes academic papersand chapters in books

Ø  ConductsTeaching Practice Supervision at undergraduate and PGDE levels.


3.      Present Wok Experience,status and Salary in MOUAU

a.      Status:

Senior Lecturer, PhD in Educational Management (Personnel Management 1995, Ibadan)

Department of Educational Management

October 1, 2012 till date


Research project, thesis and dissertation supervision.

12 Undergraduate students’ projects completed

3 PGDE projects Completed

3 Masters thesis completed

10 Masters dissertations at various levels of completion.

3 PhD thesis in progress


Internal examiner at the Masters level

Supervision at Higher Degree level

1)      Graduated three Masters Degree candidates

2)      Currently supervising

a)      Seven Masters and

b)      Three Ph.D candidates


Journal of Sustainable Education, Social and management Sciences.

Paper title:

a.        Blended-Learning approach and Lecture method Effect on Biology Education Students’ Academic Performance.

b.      Effective School leadership and time Management in Secondary Schools

c.       Managing Change and Innovation for quality Secondary education delivery in Bayelsa State


EDA 912   Population Studies for Educational Management

EDA 901   Postgraduate Seminar (Independent Study)

EDA 913   Seminar in Educational Management

EDA 921   Case Studies in Educational Administration

EDA 923   Administration of Nigeria Education

EDA 924   Formal Organization and Non-Formal Education

EDA 925   Educational Building and Facilities

EDA 926   Management Theory & Concepts

EDA 812   Personnel Management in Education

EDU 820   Advanced Politics in Education

EDA 821   Comparative Perspective in Educational Administration

EDA 114   Introduction to Personnel Management in Education

EDM 213  School Community Relations

EDU 422   Educational Administration II


Coordinator of a yearly Free Medical Healthcare for Unwana Community 2010 till date.

Chairperson, Unwana Community Education Committee involved in monitoring the administration and staffing of Unwana Comprehensive Secondary School, 2006 till date

Treasurer, Dominion Presbyterian Church of Nigeria, Agbama Housing Estate 2010–2015.

Secretary to Unwana Community Eze-Ogo Election Committee. 2012

Treasurer, Nigeria-Israeli Association Abia State Branch 2001–2006.

Treasurer, Chartered Institute of personnel Management of Nigeria Abia State Chapter 1999–2005.

Consultant to Universal Basic Education Board, Ebonyi State, Education Forum. 2004.

A member of the Presidential Visitation Panel to Federal Polytechnic, Ilaro, Ogun State, 2004.

  Consultant to United Nations Development Programmes (UNDP) on Agriculture and Co-operatives in Abia State. Coordinated training Programmes in Ohafia LGA. 1996–1998

National Youth services corps ( Ogbogbo, Ijebu Ode) 1977–1978





  Commonwealth Council for Educational Administration and Management

(C.C.E.A.M.). 2009 till date

  Nigerian Association for Educational Administration and planning (NAEAP), 2010  till date

  Chartered Institute of personnel Management of Nigeria (CIPMN), 1999 till date

  Association of Nigeria Universities Professional Administrators (ANUPA), 1996 till date

Member, Nigerian Institute of Manpower Development and Industrial Relations (NIMDIR), 2013 till date



  National Conference of NAEAP on Managing Functional Education for Leadership. Enugu State University October 2017.

  Member of the presidential visitation panel to federal Polytechnic Ilaro, 2004.

  Member Eze-Ogo Election Committee, Unwana.

  President, OnyeaghalaNwanneya Women Association, Unwana.

  Member of Board, the Dominion Presbyterian Church of Nigeria, Agbama Housing Estate parish, Umuahia, 2010–2015.

  Member Nigeria Israeli Association Abia State Chapter.

  Member Chartered Institute of Personnel Management of Nigeria AbiaState Chapter (CIPMN).

  Member, Nigerian Institute of Manpower Development and Industrial Relations (NIMDIR).



1.      Researchers’ International Network.  International Conference, Theme: Perspectives in Education, Technological Development and Agriculture in the 21st Century Africa.  Cape Coast University, Ghana, October 13-16th   2015

2.      National Conference of NAEAP on Education for Security, October 15- 18th Abuja 2014.

3.      Third International Conference on Teaching and Learning and 2nd International Conference on Science and Technology Education. Umudike,Abia State ,August 12-15th, 2013.

4.      Eighth International Conference on Management and Behavioural Science.July 06-07th 2013.

5        National Conference of NAEP on “Management Education for Transformation” October 2012, Makurdi

6        National Conference of NAEAP, October, 2011 Knowledge and learning Management (KALM) Principles, opportunities, Application and Challenges. Ambrose Ali University, Ekpoma.

7        National Conference of NAEP on “Climate Change and Education”. October 2010, Port Harcourt.

8        National Workshop on “New Trends of Teaching in Education”. Open University Commission, Ikoyi Lagos; November 2010.

9        Conference of Nigeria Society of Psychical Research on “Rebranding of Education” November 2010 Owerri.



Secretary to several Committees 1996–till April 13, 2009

Secretary to first University Infrastructural Development Committee(1998)

Member 0f the University Governing Council. (2000-2004)

Member, Finance and General Purpose Committee of the Governing Council(2000–2004)

Secretary to first University 10 yr strategic plan 2007.

Member of the Postgraduate Board2013 till date.

Member of the College Board 2009–till date.

Member, Departmental Board 2009–till date.

Member, College Curriculum Committee 2009–till date.

Chairman, College Library Committee 2013–till date.                                   

Coordinatorof Postgraduate Seminars. 2014 till date

Coordinator Undergraduate Programmes 2014 till date

J.      OTHERS

1.      Presbyterian Women’s Guild Conference April, 2012 Umuahia.

2.      National Presbyterian Women’s Guild Conference April, 2010 Lagos.




1.      Reading historical novels

2.      Listening to and Watching World News

3.      Watching Documentaries.

4.      Watching Good Soap Opera




1.      Duvie, A.N. (2017) Values Education-driven reorientation for national development: Undergraduates perception. Contemporary Journal of Inter-Disciplinary Studies Vol. 6. No. 4.

 2.      Duvie, A.N.&Nwokediuko, I.C. (2017) Direct Compensation Management as Correlate of Teacher Task Performance. European Journal of Education Studies. Vol. 3/Issue 11.

 3.      Okocha, E.R. &Duvie, A.N. (2016). Impact of Public Secondary School Teachers’ Attendance in Aba North Local Government Area, Abia State, Nigeria. International Journal of Applied Research and Technology. 5(2):109-113.

4.      Duvie, A.N.&Okocha, E.R. (2016). Regular Payment of Salaries as Correlates of Public Secondary School Teachers Attendance to Classes in Umuahia North Local Government Area, Abia State. International Journal of Applied Research and Technology. 5(1): 119-125.

 5.      Duvie, A.N.&Eluwa, B.O. (2016) Assessment of Effectiveness of Management Strategies for Curbing Examination Malpractices in Secondary Schools in Nigeria. European Journal of Education Studies Vol. 2 Issue II.

 6.      Duvie, A.N.&Modozie, E.C. (2016) Secondary School Type as Correlates of Adolescents Interpersonal Relationships in Nigerian Secondary Schools. International Journal of Applied Research and Technology. 5(12):10-21.

 7.      Duvie, A.N. (2016) Lecturers’ effectiveness in Nigerian Universities: The perceptual viewpoints of undergraduates. Journal of Educational Foundations. Faculty of Education University of Nigeria Nsukka. Vol. 6.

 8.      Duvie, A.N.&Okocha, E.R. (2016). Regular Payment of Salaries as Correlates of Public Secondary School Teachers’ Attendance to Classes in Umuahia North Local Government Area Abia State. International Journal of Applied Research and Technology. Vol. 5 No1 January.

 9.      Duvie, A.N. &Eluwa, B.O. (2016) Assessment of the Effectiveness of Management Strategies for Curbing Examination Malpractices in Secondary Schools in Nigeria. European Journal of Education Studies. Vol. 2 Issue II.

 10.  Duvie, A.N.&Modozie, E.C. (2016) Secondary School type as correlates of Adolescents’ Interpersonal Relationships in Nigeria Secondary Schools. International Journal of Applied Research and Technology (IJRT). Vol. 5 No. 11.

 11.  Duvie, A.N. (2016) Appraisal of effectiveness of Mentoring of junior academics in south eastern Nigeria Universities. Journal of educational foundations. Faculty of Education, University of Nigeria Nsukka. Vol. 6.

 12.  Duvie, A.N. (2015) Academic mentors attitudes as Correlates of junior academic quality research productivity. Journal of Agricultural and science EducationMichael Okpara University of Agriculture Umudike.Vol.1 No 1 Pp 129-138.

 13.  Modebelu, M.N. &Duvie A.N. (2015) Environmental Health Hazards and Rural Community Development in Abia State of Nigeria. American Journal of Educational Research, Vol. 3 No. 5 p564-569.

 14.  Duvie, A.N.&Okocha E.R. (2016) Regular payment of salaries as correlates of public secondary school teachers’ attendance to classes in Umuahia North Local Government Area of Abia State. International Journal of Applied Research and Technology (IJRT) Vol.5  No1  January.

 15.  Modebelu, M.N. &Duvie A.N. (2015) Knowledge management creativity elements of academics in Nigerian Universities. American Journal of Educational Research Vol. 3 P 263- 267.

 16.  Duvie A.N. (2015) Influence of Nigerian Standard Value systems on Nigerian Students value and undergraduates general behaviour. Journal of Educational Research and Policies   Vol 10 No2 Pp 89 – 99

 17.  Duvie, A.N.&Anebi J.N. (2014) Comparative analysis of students’ union politics and national politics in Nigeria: Implications for university administration.  African International Journal of Educational Administration and Policy (AIJEAP) Vol 4 No. 5 Pp 1-26.

 18.  Duvie, A.N. &Modebelu, M.N. (2014) Dehumanising Communication reified among undergraduates and lecturers: Issues and suggestions. International Journal of Education & Literary Studies Australia Vol. 2 No.4 October P. 5-11. International Academic Centre Australia.

 19.  Duvie, A.N. (2014) Functional Higher Education for peace building in Nigeria. Managing and Planning Education for Peace Building in Nigeria: Themes and perspectives. Pp285-290.Nigerian Journal of Educational Management and Planning(Nigerian Association for Educational Administration and Planning)

 20.  Modebelu,M.N &Duvie,A.N. (2013). New trends and new challenges in educational leadership and governance in Nigeria. African Journal of Educational Research and Administration Vol. 6 No. 1.Pp  6– 11.

 21.  Duvie,A.N. (2013). Managing education for food and health in Nigeria. Managing education for national security Pp. 372-338.Nigerian Journal of Educational Management and Planning.Nigerian Association of Educational Administration and Planning.

 22.  Modebelu,M.N. &Duvie, A.N. (2013). Quality secondary education through school based management.International Journal of Management and Computing Sciences (IJMCS) Vol. 3 No. 1 Jan-March.

 23.  Duvie,A.N. &Modebelu, M.N. (2012). Leadership behaviour, organizational commitment and citizenship behaviour of temporary teachers in Abia State of Nigeria. Nigeria Journal of Educational Administration and planning Vol. 12 No. 1 March P. 149-166.

 24.  Modebelu, M.N. &Duvie, A.N. (2012) Innovative Methods and Strategies of effective teaching and learning.Mediterranean journal of social science Vol. 3 (13) November P145-164.

 25.  Duvie, A.N. (2012). Job satisfaction as correlates of teacher absenteeism in rural public secondary schools in Abia State. Review of Education. Institute of Education University of Nigeria Nsukka. Vol.23, No.1.

 26.  Duvie, A.N. (2011). Teacher job satisfaction indices as correlate of urban teachers’ productivity in Abia State public Secondary Schools. Journal of Nigeria Association for Educational Administration and planning. Vol. 11 No. 2 June P 77-92.

 27.  Duvie, A.N. (2011). A comparative survey of the impact of job satisfaction and psychological well-being on teacher absenteeism in public secondary in Abia State:The psychical researcher, Journal of Nigeria Society for Psychical Research Vol. 3 No. 1 P. 133-147.

 28.  Duvie, A.N.&Okorie, F. U. (2011). Influence of psychological well-being on teacher absenteeism in Abia State Secondary Schools: A need for Rebranding: The Psychical Research Journal of Nigerian Society for Psychical Research Vol. 3 No. 1 P. 94-109.

 29.  Duvie, A.N. (2011). Expanding research operations in education through new conceptualizations on ethnicity- The African perspective. Knowledge and Learning Management (KALM) Principles, opportunities, application and challenges (NAEAP) P 269-273.

 30.  Duvie, A.N. (2010). Job satisfaction as correlate of teacher absenteeism in public Secondary Schools in Abia State, Nigerian Journal of Educational Administration and Planning Vol. 10 N0. 3 Sept. Pp. 197-215.

 31.  Duvie, A.N. (2010). The impact of ethnicity and religious affiliation on the alienation of staff from the work environment in Nigerian Universities. A comparative survey, Research in Education. Bradford, United Kingdom (84) Pp. 197-37.

 32.  Duvie, A.N. (2008). Influence of religious affiliation on the alienation of Nigerian University staff from their jobs: Journal of Educational Research and Policies, 3(2) P. 118-128.

 33.  Duvie, A.N. (2008). Impact of ethnicity on the alienation of staff from their co-workers in Nigerian Universities: Journal of Educational Research and policies, 3(3) P. 64-74.

 34.  Duvie, A.N.&Ogunsanya, M. (2007). Impact of religious affiliation on the alienation of staff from their co-workers in Nigerian universities: Journal of Research in Education. 4(4), Pp. 94-102.

 35.  Duvie, A.N. (2006). Influence of ethnicity on the alienation of Nigerian University staff from their friends at Work. Journal of Education in Developing Areas.(JEDA) Vol. 15. 28-40. Faculty of Education, University of Port-Harcourt.

 36.  Duvie, A.N.&Ogunsanya, M. (2006). Impact of ethnicity on the alienation of staff from their job in Nigerian Universities. Journal of Education in Developing Areas. Faculty of Education, University of Port-.Harcourt.



1.      Modebelu,M.N; Duvie,A.N; Kalu-Uche N. & Ike, E.A. (2013). Knowledge and learning management (KALM) for enhancing academic staff online training methodologies for quality graduates. Proceedings of the sixth international conference on E-learning in the workplace (ICELW). New York, USA June 12-14.



1.      Nmom, O.C; Duvie, al. (1990). “Social studies” (Primary School Text) Book I Heinemann Education Books (Nigerian) PLC.

 2.      Nnom, O.C; Duvie, al., (1990). “Social Studies” (Primary school Text) Book II (Nigeria) Plc.

 3.      Nnom, O.C; al., (1990). “Social studies” (primary Schools Text) Book III, Heinemann Educational Books (Nigeria) Plc.

 4.      Nmom, O.C; Duvie, al., (1990). “Social Studies” (Primary School Text) Teachers Guide Book 1-3. Heinemann Educational Books (Nigeria) Plc.

5.      Nnom, O.C; al., (1990). “Social Studies” Workbook I, Heinemann Educational Books (Nigeria) Plc.

 6.      Nnom,O.C; Duvie, al.,(1990). “Social Studies” Workbook II, Heinemann Educational Books (Nigeria) Plc.

 7.      Nnom, O. C; Duvie, A.Net al., (1990) “Social Studies” Workbook III, Heinemann Educational Books (Nigeria) Plc.




1.      Duvie, A.N. (2015) Nigeria national Policy on education. Origin and Historical development. Chapter 29,Foundations of Curriculum Development (Theory and Practice).Department of Educational Foundations Michael Okpara University of Agriculture, Umudike.

 2.      Duvie, A.N. (1990). “Supervision of pupil’s activities in the primary school” NCE/DLS course book on education. National teachers institute, Kaduna.

 3.      Duvie, A.N. (1990). “The roles of the school administration in school supervision/inspection” in NCE/DLS course book on education. Kaduna teacher’s institute, Kaduna.




Prof. J. I. Nwankwo

Department of Educational Management

University of Ibadan


Prof. I. O. Inekwe

Department of Science Education

College of Science, Technology and Education

Michael Okpara University of Agriculture, Umudike.


Prof. G.U Emetarom

Department of Educational Administration and Planning

Faculty of Education

Abia State University, Uturu.

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