


A.                PERSONAL DATA:

Name:                                                            Igwebuike, Felicia Kenechukwu (Nee Agbo)

Nationality:                                                  Nigerian

Date of Assumption of Duty:                    1st August, 2011

Status on 1st Appointment:                       Assistant Lecturer

Present Status:                                            Lecturer II

Date of Last Promotion:                           October, 2014

Date of Confirmation of Appointment: August, 2013

Present Salary:                                           CANUASS 33

Department/Unit:                                       Educational Management



1.         Educational Institutions Attended with Dates:

·        University of Nigeria, Nsukka                                                                   1990-2001

·        University of Ife, Ile-Ife                                                                              1981-1985

·        Girls Secondary School, Ngwo                                                                1976-1981




·        Ph.D. 2013 – (In view)                                Educational Administration & Planning

·        M.Ed. 2001                                                    Educational Administration & Planning

·        BA. Ed. 1985                                                 Education/Religion

·        WASC 1981



C         Tutorial Staff: NKST Sec Sch. Makurdi                                                 1985 – 1986

St. Mary’s Teachers College Adikpo, Benue State                                              1986-1988

Sedes Sapientiae Model Comprehensive                                                           1988-2011

Secondary School Oghe. Enugu State



·        Secretary Catholic Women Organization  St. Thereas Parish Oghe   

·        Financial Secretary Parish Council St. Theresea Parish Oghe

·        Matron Lay Readers Association, St. Thereas Parish Oghe   

·        Matron Catholic Youngmen Organization Aguobuowa Deanery



Post Held:

·        Academic Staff                                                                     1st August, 2011-till Date

·        Asst. Hall Warden                                                                2014 – till – Date

·        Member College Accreditation Committee                          2014



·        Teacher’s Registration Council of Nigeria (TRCN)

·        Nigerian Association of Education Administration and Planning (NAEAP)



Anebi, J. N. O and Igwebuike, F. K. (2017). Assessment of the Adequacy of Human Resource in Universities in the South-east States of Nigeria. International Journal of Arts and Humanities.

 Igwebuike, F. K and Okpe, P. U. (2016). Effective Practices in the Management of school plant: A Panacea for Ineffective School Administration in Public Secondary Schools in Enugu State. Journal of Educational Management. Vol. 1. No. 1

Okpe, P. U and Igwebuike, F. K. (2016). Influence of Drug Abuse on Leadership roles in Nigerian Universities. Journal of Nigerian Association of Educational Administration and Planning. UNIPORT Chapter. Vol., No. 1.

Ike, E. A and Igwebuike, F. K. (2016). Topic: Strategic Functions of Information Communication Technologies in Education.  Book-title: Educational Management. The Nigerian Perspective. Edited by: M. N. Modebelu, L. O. Eya and J. C. Obunadike.

Igwebuike, F. K. (2016). Topic: Instructional Resources for Effective Teaching-Learning. Book-title: Educational Management. The Nigerian Perspective.                   

Edited by: M. N. Modebelu, L. O. Eya and J. C. Obunadike

Anebi, J. N. P and Igwebuike, F. K. (2016). Perception of Junior Secondary School Students on Sex Education in Ikwuano LGA Abia State. Implications for School Administrators. Journal of Theoretical and Empirical Studies in Education. Vol. 5. No. 1.

Igwebuike, F. K. (2016). Effective Entrepreneurship Education Strategies in the 21st  Century for Enhanced Self Reliance in Nigeria Universities. International Journal of Education Studies (INJEDS) MOUAU. Vol. 1. No. 2. Pg. 234-240.

Igwebuike, F. K. (2015). Effective Management of Education of Human Development as a Prediction of Economic Security and Poverty Alleviation in the 12th Century. Journal of Agricultural and Science Education (JASE). Vol. 1. No. 1.

Igwebuike, F. K. (2013). Student Indiscipline in Universal Basic Education Level: Causes and Management Strategies. Journal of Education Psychologist. Vol. 7. No.1.

Igwebuike, F. K. (2013). The Role of Secondary Education in Youth Leadership Preparation for National Transformation. ESUJ Journal of Education. Vol. 5. No.3.

Igwebuike, F. K. (2013). The School Principals Health and Wellness Status for Quality Education Service Delivery in Enugu State Mediterranean.  Journal of Social Sciences. Vol. 4. No. 12.

Igwebuike, F. K., Ike, E. A. and Nwakpadolu, G. M. N. (2012). Enhancing Quality Education in Secondary Schools through Effective Supervision as Perceived by Principals and Teachers in Udi Educational Zone of Enugu State. LIT Academic Journal. An International multi-Disciplinary Publication. Vol. 1. No.1.

Igwebuike, F. K. (2012). The Nigerian Student Stress Implication for the School Administrator. African Journal of Allied Education. Vol. 6. No. 1.

Modebelu, M. N and Igwebuike, F. K. (2012). Nigerian Child Learning Styles: A Teaching Strategy for Achieving Effective Education in Nigeria. Journal of Educational and Social Research. Vol.3 No.6.


36th Annual National Conference of NAEAP held at ESUT from 9th -12th October, 2017.

Annual Conference of International Association of Economics Educators held at UNN from 11th -16th September, 2017.

National Conference of the Faculty of Education, Godfrey Okoye University held from 2nd -5th May, 2017.

1st Annual National Conference of Department of Education Management held at ESUT from 13th – 16th June, 2016.

1st International Conference of College of Agricultural Science and Education held at MOUAU from 12th – 16th July, 2015.

1st National Conference of CASE held at MOUAU from 1st – 4th July, 2014.

2013 AATL/MCSER International Conference on Teaching and Learning held at MOUAU from 12th -15th August, 2013.

3rd National Conference of Faculty of Education, ESUT held from 22nd -26th October, 2012.

Nigerian Association of Educational Administration and Planning (NAEAP), Annual National Conference held at BENSU, Markurdi from 9th -13th October, 2012.

Nigerian council of Educational Psychologists, 2012 National Conference at MOUA Umudike held from 5th -8th September.

14th Annual Conference of Nigerian Association of Educational Researchers and Evaluators (NAERE) held at UNN from 9th – 13th July, 2012.



        Dancing, Drama & Listening to Music



        Rev. Fr. Chris Emeka Onuoha

        The Parish Priest St. Mary’s  Parish

        Umumba Ndiuno.


        Hon. (Mrs.) C.C. Anigbogu

        Educational Department, 

        National Museum of Arts and Culture,



        Mr. J. C. Agbo


        Building Technology Department,

       Institute of Management and Technology,



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