


         NAME:                                                  Modebelu, Melody Ndidi

         SEX:                                                     Female


NATIONALITY:                                             Nigerian

DATE OF ASSUMPTION OF DUTY:       1st June, 2011




PRESENT STATUS:                                    Professor

DATE OF REGULARIZATION:                   14th August, 2013

DATE OF PRESENT APPOINTMENT:    14th October, 2015

PRESENT SALARY:                                 CONUASS 7 step 3

DEPARTMENT:                                          Educational Management



1.         Educational Institutions Attended With Dates

(a)        Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka Anambra State              2002-2006

 (b)       Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka Anambra State             1997- 2000

(c)        University of Port Harcourt, Rivers State                           1986-1989

(d)       Anambra State College of Education, Awka State              1981-1984

2.         Academic/Professional Qualifications with Dates

(a)        ASCON (Administrative Staff College of Nigeria)                2009

(b)        Ph.D    Educational Administration/Supervision                  2006

(c)        M.Ed.  Educational Administration/Supervision                   2000

(d)       B.Sc.Ed           Management & Planning/Chemistry            1989

(e)      N.C.E.           Biology/Chemistry                                            1984



  1. Member of Stratford International Association of Language, Literature Culture & Education, Malaysia-based, August, 2016 at Singapore.
  2. Certificate of Certificate of participation in 2016 Innovation and Leadership in Education Conference, International Honor Society in Education U.S.A held on 5-7, July, at Mount Royal University, Calgary, Alberta, Canada.
  3. Certificate of participation in 2014 International Conference on 211st Century Education: Challenges and Opportunities in preparing 21st Century Citizens, held at Knowledge Village, Dubai I, UAE.
  4. Certificate of participation in 2014 8th International Technology, Education and Development Conference held in in Valencia, Spain, 10-12 March.
  5. Certificate of participation in 2014, 14th International Conference of management and Behavioural Sciences: An Interdisciplinary Conference held in Toronto, Canada between 6th to 7th December.
  6. Certificate of Membership Kappa Delta PI (KDP) Honour society in Education, U.S.A based from 2014 to date.
  7. Member of 21st Century Academic Forum: Supporting Socially Responsible Inter-disciplinary Research, 13th November, 2014. Dubai         
  8. Certificate of participation in 2013 International Conference of African Association of Teaching and Learning -AATL on Technology, Environment and Education –TEEC-3013; Science, Technology and Education- ICSTE & Teaching and Learning- ICTL held at Michael Okpara University of Agriculture Umudike, Abia Nigeria, 12th-15th August.
  9. Certificate of participation in 2013 International conference of Management and Behavioural Sciences organized by the Society of Management and Behavioural Sciences held at Toronto-Canada, July 6 -7, 2013.
  10. Certificate of participation in 2013 International Conference of African Association of Scientific Research-AASR on Agricultural and Environmental Education held at Umunze from 1st to 4th, July
  11. Certificate of attendance and participation on Gender Projects Training Workshop at Michael Okpara University of Agriculture, Umudike Abia Statefrom14th -16th may 2013.organized by Nigerian Institute of Manpower Development and Industrial Relations.
  12. Certificate of attendance and presentation during the first African Regional conference on scientific and cultural innovations. Abia State University, Uturu, Jan 2013
  13. Certificate of Attendance/Participation on a Comprehensive Practical Training on Antelope/Snail & Grasscutter Rearing at Liberty Centre Awka, May, 2012 from JOVANA farms, Lagos.
  14. Certificate of participation in 2012 International Research and Capacity Building Foundation, held in Johannesburg, South Africa, from 14th to March.
  15. Certificate of Participation on 2010 UBEC Teacher Professional Development Programme in Computer Literacy.
  16. Certificate of Attendance/Paper presentation on Nigerian Association of Educational Administration and Planning (NAEAP) 2010 International Conference.      
  17. Certificate of Participation on 2010 National Conference of Faculty of Education, Nnamdi Azikiwe, Awka.
  18. Certificate of Attendance/Participation/Paper Presentation on 2010 Annual Conference of Women Initiative against Corruption (WIAC).
  19. Certificate of Attendance/ Paper Presentation on Women and National Development by National Association of Female Teachers Kano – 2008.
  20. Certificate of Registration of Membership of Teachers Registration Council of Nigeria established by Act 31 of 1993 on 26thof June, 2007 (AN/S/07277)
  21. Certificate of Merit for ETF Sponsored Capacity Building Workshop on Science Education– 2007
  22. Teachers Registration Council Certified Teacher Certificate – 2007
  23. Certificate of Participation in all the activities of STAN on Strategies for Effective Teaching & learning of Science, Technology & Mathematics in Schools. – 2006.     


1. 2015- 2017:          Professor and Pioneer H.O.D, Educational Management, College of Education, MOUAU

2.  2014 -2015:    Associate Prof. and H.O.D, Educational Foundations, College of Agricultural & Science Education-COED. Michael Okpara University of Agriculture, Umudike -MOUAU, Abia State.

3. 2014-2016:      Hostel warden for Female Hostel A, Michael Okpara University of Agriculture, Umudike, Abia State.

4. 2012- 2015:       Coordinator Teaching Practice (COED), MOUAU

5. 2011-2014:      Senior Lecturer, Dept. of Agricultural Education. Michael Okpara University of Agriculture, Umudike, Abia State.

6. 2008- 2011:     Deputy Director/Head of Department, Records Division, Department of Administration. Post Primary Schools   Service Commission, Headquarters, Awka, Anambra State.

7.1997-2007:      Head of Department Chemistry/Senior Chemistry Teacher.

8.1995-1996:      Principal Administrative Officer.

9.1988-1994:      Senior Chemistry Teacher, Bubbendorff Memorial Grammar School, Adazi-Nnukwu.

10.1984-1985:      NYSC Chemistry Teacher Government Secondary School Mangu-Hale, Plateau State 



1.  Member, Editorial Board, Journal of College of Agricultural and Science Education (COED).

2.  Member, College Board (COED).

3.  Member, College Board Accreditation Committee (COED).

4.  Member, College Curriculum Committee (COED).

5.  Member, College Board Library Committee

6.  Coordinator, Teaching Practice- (COED).

7.  Member, Departmental Board, Department of Agricultural Education/Home-Economics Education.

8.  Member, Departmental Accreditation/Curriculum Committee.

9. Chairman, Department of Agriculture.& Home economics Education Staff Welfare Association.

10.Member, Department of Agriculture. & Home economics Education Library/ICT Committee. 



  1. Member of Stratford International Association of Language, Literature Culture & Education, Malaysia-based, August, 2016 at Singapore.
  2. Member of 21st Century Academic Forum: Supporting Socially Responsible Inter-disciplinary Research, 13th November, 2014, Dubai.
  3. Member, Nigerian Institute of Manpower Development and Industrial Relation (NIMDIR)-  May, 2013 .
  4. Chartered Member of Kappa Delta Pi, International Honor Society in Education founded in 1911. June, 2014, U.S.A.
  5. Member, International Society for the Scientific Research (ISSR)- February, 2013.
  6. Member, African Regional Scientific Research and Cultural Innovations- (ARSRCI) January, 2013.
  7. Member, International Research and Development Institute of Research & Development Network, (IRDI-RDN) –September, 2012.
  8. Member, Nigerian Society of Psychical Research -(NSPR), October, 2011.
  9. Member, Nigerian Association of Educational Administration & Planning (NAEAP). October, 2009.
  10. Secretary, National Association of Female Teachers -(NAFET) Anambra State, August, 2008.

   8. Member of Science Teachers Association of Nigeria-(STAN), September,


1.  Collation officer, Isikwato LGA, Abia North Senatorial Re-run election, 5th March 2016.

2.   Returning/Collation Officer Ukwa West LGA, Gubernatorial/House of Assembly Abia State, 25th April, 2015.

3.   Returning/Collation Officer, Senatorial/House of Representative Election, Bende LGA, Abia North Abia State, 28TH March, 2015.

4.   Director of projects and programmes: Anambra Women Oil and Gas PIB      Association, March, 2013 – date.   

5.   Secretary, Enuguabor–Umuopia Abroad Daughters Association-December, 2011– date.

6.   Coordinator/President, Women Wing Christian Association of Nigeria Njikoka L.G.A. Chapter, Anambra State (WOWICAN)- October, 2010– date.

7.   Coordinator, Njikoka Christian Women Skill Acquisition  Programme,2010– date.  

8.   Secretary, Women Initiative against Corruption- Anambra State- (WIAC), February, 2010– date.

9.   Secretary, Home and Abroad Women General Meeting, St. Peter’s Parish Abagana-Njikoka LGA- August, 2008– date.

10. Member, Diocesan Home/Abroad Anglican Communion, Awka, Anambra State, August, 2008– date.


  1. Published Journal Articles:


  1. Onyali, L. C. & Modebelu, M. N. (2016). Teachers’ effective attendance to classes: An index of regular payment of salaries in Awka South Local Government Area, Anambra State.  Education Research Journal Vol. 6(10): 182 – 187,
  2. Ezikpe, N. N. & Modebelu, M. N. (2016). National politics and students’ union politics practices in Nigeria.  Education Research Journal Vol. 6(10): 173 – 181,

      3.Esobhawan, B. I., Modebelu, M. N. & Eya, L. O., (2016). Teachers’ workload management as a tool for effective delivery of secondary education in Edo State, Nigeria. International Journal of Language, Literature, Culture and Education, 3(1), 12-16.

      4.Ikegbusi, G. N., Chigbo-Okeke U. C. & Modebelu, M. N. (2016). Students’ Conception of possible method to control indiscipline in secondary schools. Journal of Global Research in Education and Social Science, 7(3), 151-159.

5. Esobhawan, B. I & Modebelu, M. N. (2016). Creating positive teacher attitude to instructional supervision in Nigerian secondary schools: The role of counselling supervisory model in translating policy to practice. International Journal of Language, Literature, Culture and Education, 3(1), 35-40.

6. Modebelu, M. N. Esobhawan, B. I. & Eya, L. O. (2016). Effect of innovative teaching strategies on academic achievement of students in senior secondary schools in Enugu State, Nigeria. International Journal of Language, Literature, Culture and Education, 2(2), 20-24.

7. Onwumelu, M. N., Modebelu, M. N. & Ede, M. O., (2016). Influence of school farm on learning of agricultural science in secondary schools in Ikwuano L. G.A, Abia State, Nigeria. Elixir International Journal of Agriculture,94(2016).40163-40166

8.Onwumelu, M.,  Modebelu, M. N. & Isiwu, E. (2016). Influence of school farm on teaching of agricultural science in senior secondary schools in ikwuano  Local Government Area, Abai State. Open Access Library Journal

9.Ikegbusi, G. N, Iheanacho, R. c. & Modebelu, M. N. (2016). Politics and Educational  leadership in Nigerian schools: Issues and Challenges in Pen a

10.Ngerem, E. I. & Modebelu, M. N. (2016). Influence of computer-assisted instruction in managing students’ qualitative mathematics skill development for sustainable development. Journal OF Basic and Applied Research International, 15(1), 39-43.

11.Kalu-Uche, N. & ModebeluM. N. (2014). University undergraduates’ entrepreneurial education competencies: Prerequisite for vision 20:2020 attainment.Review of Institute of Education Journal, 25(2), 82-94

12. Modebelu, M. N. & Ogbonna, C. C. (2014). Reform-Based-Instructional Method and Leaning Styles on Students’ achievement and retention in Mathematics: Administrative Implications. International Journal of Education & Literacy Studies, 2(2), 48-53 ISSN: 2202-9478 URL:

13.Modebelu, M. N. & Ugwuanyi, S. A (2014). Educational management and climatic change implications for effective classroom management, International Journal of Research and Advancement in Educational Methods, 11(1), 53-57

14.Modebelu, M. N. & Ugwuanyi S. A. (2014). Skill development in science and technology education for sustainable development in Nigeria. International Journal of Education & Literacy Studies, 2(4), ISSN: 2202-9478 V. 2n.4p.24.

15.Modebelu, M. N. & Onyali, L. C. (2014). Qualitative records management skills for effective service delivery in Nigerian educational system. American Journal of Educational Review 2(12), 1250-1256, Doi 10 12691/education-2-12-19.

16.Duvie, A. N. & Modebelu, M. N. (2014). Dehumanizing communication reified among undergraduates and lecturers: Issues and suggestions. International Journal of Education and Literacy studies, 2(4), ISSN:2302-9478,,7575/aiac.ijels.v.2n.4p.5.

17.ModebeluM. N. & Modebelu, A. F. (2013). Microbial Efficiency of air Conditioners and other ventilation devices for enhancing future quality air in Nigeria. Academic Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies, 2(5), E-ISSN 2881-4612, ISSN 2881-3993.

18.Modebelu, M. N. & Nwakpadolu, G. N. (2013). Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in Teaching and learning of Agricultural Education in Nigeria. Journal of Educational and Social Research, 3(4), 161-170, ISSN 2239-978X.

19.Modebelu, MN. (2013). Exploring the praxis of education of youth for sustainable development. Journal of Theoretical and Empirical Studies in Education, 3(1), 37 – 45.

20.ModebeluM. N. & Kalu-Uche, N. (2013). Managing science teachers’ productivity challenges for quality science education. Academic Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies, 2(6), 119 126. ISSN: 2281-3993(print),ISSN: 2281-4612(online).

21.Modebelu, M. N. & Duvie, A. N. (2013). Quality Secondary education through school based management committee and climate change management. International Journal of Management & Computing Sciences (IJMCS), 3(1), 52-61, ISSN 2231-3303.

22.Modebelu, MN. & Ike, E. N. (2013). Challenges of university                       education and socio-political future of Africa: Nigeria perspective. African Journal of Agricultural Research and Development, 6(1).

23.Modebelu, M. N. & Duvie, A. N. (2013). New trends and new challenges in educational leadership and governance in Nigeria. African Journal of Agricultural Research and Development, 6(1).

24.Modebelu, M. N. & Anebi, J. (2013). Use of information and communication technology (ICT) in teaching and learning of Agricultural education in Nigeria. Unizik Orient Journal of Education, 7(1).

25.Modebelu, M. N. & Nwakpadolu, G. N. (2013). Utilization of information and communication technology (ICT) in Nigeria Universities. International Journal of Management & Computing Sciences (IJMCS), 3(1), 15-24, ISSN 2231-3303.

26.Modebelu, M.N. & Igwebuike, F.K. (2013). Nigerian child learning style: A teaching strategy for achieving effective education in Nigeria. Journal of Educational & Social Research 3(6).

27.Modebelu, M. N.; Duvie, A. N.; Kalu_Uche, N. & Ike, E. N. (2013). Knowledge and learning management for enhancing academic staff online training methodologies for quality graduates. The International Conference on E-Learning in the workplace. 2(6), E-ISSN 2281-4612, ISSN 798-0-9827670-3-0.

28. Azuh, Oluchi & ModebeluM. N. (2013). Academic staff challenges to effective utilization of information and communication technology (ICT) in teaching and learning of agricultural education. Academic Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies. (2)7.

29.Modebelu, M. N. & Duvie, A. N.(2012). Innovative methods and strategies for effective teaching and learning. Mediterranean Journal of Social sciences, 3(13), 145-154, ISSN: 2039-9340(Print)/ 2039-21179(online).

30.Modebelu, MN. (2012). Academic staff effective utilization of e- learning and quality assurance in higher education in Nigeria. LIT Academic Journal Multidisciplinary Publication, 1(1), 235 – 245.

31.Modebelu, M.N. & Onyali, L. C. (2012). Qualitative human resource management: Intellectuals and development strategy on the third world. International Journal of Research Innovations and Sustainable Development, 2(1), 9 – 14.

32.Onyali, L.C. & Modebelu, M.N. (2012). University education in Nigeria and youth empowerment for effectiveness in the Labour Market. International Journal for Educational, Science and Public Policy in Africa- IJESPPA, 2(1).

33.Modebelu, M.N. & Obasi S.C. (2012). Appraisal of strategies for enhancing individual student’s academic achievements and intellectual functioning. Journal of Nigeria Society for Psychical Research, 5(1), 36-41, ISSN: 1596-9398.

34.Obasi, S.C, Obodo O.T. & Modebelu, M.N. (2012). Chukwuemeka Odumegwu Ojukwu, Leadership Question: Counseling perspective. Proceedings of Annual Conference of IRDI Research and Development Network, 7(3), 17-22.

35.Modebelu, M. N. & Anebi, J. (2012). Strategic planning procedure: An imperative for effective management of high education in Nigeria. Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, 3(15),20-30,ISSN:2039-9340(print)/ 2039-2117.

36.Duvie, A. N. & Modebelu, M. N. (2012). Leadership behavior, organizational commitment and citizenship behavior of temporary teachers’ in Abia state, Nigeria. Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, 12(1) ISSN:2039-9340(print)/ 149-166.

37.Modebelu, M.N. (2012). Utilization of information and communication technology (ICT) in Nigeria Universities: Impendiments and suggestions. International Journal of Research and Sustainable Development. 4(4), 153-159.

38.Modebelu, M.N. & Adiewere A. (2012). Entrepreneurship Education and socio-economic dimensions. Proceedings of International Conference on Sustainable Development. 9(2), 67-76.

39.Modebelu, M.N. & Ike E. N.  (2012). Challenges of university education and socio-political future of Africa: Nigerian perspective. Proceedings of International Conference on Sustainable Development. 10(2), 38-43.

40.Onyali, L.C. & Modebelu, M.N. (2011). Secondary school teachers’ use of the internet for professional purposes of teachers’ preparation: Implication for teachers’ preparation. Orient Journal of Education, 6(1), 48-54.

41. Modebelu, M.N. & Onyali. L.C. (2011). Secondary school student’s home economics education: Students life-long skill acquisition strategy for family life. International Journal of Educational Research and Administration, 8 (2), 77-81.

42.Okeke, T.U. & Modebelu, M.N. (2011). Challenge in the application of information and communication technology (ICT) by administrators in secondary schools in Anambra State. Journal of Educational Studies & Research, 6(1), 76-86.

43.Modebelu, M.N. & Onyali, L.C. (2011). Introducing creativity into university lecturers’ administration of knowledge management competencies in Nigeria. Nigerian Journal of Educational Administration and Planning (NJEAP), 11(3), 91 – 104.

44.Onyali, L. C. & Modebelu, M.N. (2011). Attaining managerial effectiveness through acquisition of knowledge management skills by Anambra State secondary school principals in Nigeria. Nigerian Journal of Educational Administration and Planning, 11(1), 231-242.

45.Onyali, L.C. & Modebelu, M.N. (2010). Secondary School Teachers Environmental Literacy: Strategy for effective climate change management in Nigeria. Nigerian Journal of Education Administration And Planning (NAEAP), 10(3) 107-117 ISSN:  2315-5957. 

46.Okechukwu, D.N., Onyali, L.C., Modebelu, M.N. & Nweke, C.C. (2009). Functional inclination to human potential for youth opportunity: Implications for higher education in 21st Century. Journal of Educational Review (JER), Serial Publications, 1(2), 51-56, ISSN: 1118-390X.

47.Modebelu, M.N. & Onyali, L.C. (2009). Assessing the perspective of secondary school principals on capacity building for innovation in educational administration in Nigeria. Nigerian Journal of educational Administration & Planning, 9(2) 173-185, ISSN: 0-795-2201.

48.Onyali, L.C. & Modebelu, M.N. (2009). Effective classroom   management skills: Enhancement strategy for standard in secondary education in Nigeria. Journal of Nigerian Association of Educational Administration and Planning (JNEAP), 1(1), 165-171, ISSN: 798-301-197-8-3.

49.Nwankwo, I.N., Onyali, L.C. & Modebelu, M.N. (2009). Truancy reduction strategies for effective management of entrepreneurship education in secondary schools. African Journal of Education Research and Development (AJERD)3(2), 228-235, ISSN: 20065450.

50.Okeke, T.U. & Modebelu, M.N. (2009). Re-engineering teacher      education for enhanced staff development and motivation. Journal of Educational Management and Policy (JOEMP), 2(1) 143-152, ISSN: 2006-1390.

51.Modebelu, M.N. & Onyali, L.C. (2009). Strategies for improving teaching profession and teachers’ commitment in secondary schools in Nigeria. Journal of Educational Management and Policy (JOEMP), 2, 67-80, ISSN: 2006 -1390.

52.Modebelu, M.N. & Onyali, L.C. (2008). Strengthening the role of parents in improving girl-child status in Nigeria. Journal of Educational Management, 7 (1), 123-132, ISSN: 1118-390X.

53.Modebelu, M. N. (2008). Supervisory behaviour and teachers’ satisfaction in secondary schools. Nigerian Journal of Educational Management, 7 (1) 1-12, 1118-390X.

54.Modebelu, M. N. (2007). Teachers’ work behaviour under female principals Administration. Nigeria Journal of Educational Management 6 (1) 1-10, ISSN: 1118-390X.


  1. Book Publication:

55.Modebelu, M. N., Eya, L. O. & Obunadike, J. C. (2016). Educational Management: The Nigerian Perspective. Awka: SCOA Heritage Ltd.

56.Modebelu, F. A. & Modebelu, M. N. (2011). Challenges in Adolescent Moral and Sexuality Issues. Onitsha: Noah Publishing Company. ISBN 978-978-073-536-6

57.Modebelu, M. N. (2015). Foundations of Education in Nigeria: Basic Tool for Entrants. Awka: SCOA Heritage Publishers.

58.Emeasoba, N. C., Ekoh, E. C. & Modebelu, M. N. (2015). Fundamentals of Business Education: Skills building Approach. Awka; SCOA Heritage LTD

59.Ede, M. O., Oleabhiele, E. O., & Modebelu, M. N. (2016). Fundamentals of Economics Education. Awka; SCOA Heritage LTD.

c.       Chapter in a Book:

60.Modebelu, M. N. (2015). Curriculum conceptions. In U. P. N Amadi and M. N. Modebelu (Eds.) Foundations of Curriculum Development: Principles and Practice. Umunze: Annyco. ISBN 978-978-51430-7-7

61.Modebelu, M. N. (2015). Typologies of curriculum design. In  U.   P. N Amadi and M. N. Modebelu (Eds.) Foundations of Curriculum Development: Principles and Practice. Umunze: Annyco. ISBN 978-978-51430-7-7

62.Modebelu, M. N. (2015). Historical foundations of education in Nigeria. In M. N. Modebelu (Ed.) Foundations of Education in Nigeria: Basic Tool for Entrants. Awka: SCOA Heritage LTD.

63.Modebelu M.N. (2014). School and community. In G.O. Unachukwu and P. N. Okorji (Eds.) Educational Management:ASkill Building Approach. Nimo: Rex Charles &Patrick Limited.ISBN 978-978-52867-7-9

64.Modebelu, M. N. (2013) Curriculum models for quality educational system. Advancing Innovation in Education through Effective Curriculum Design and Development: Facilitating new trends. ISSN: 1117-3259

65.Modebelu M.N. (2013). School and community relation. Advancing Innovation in Education through Effective Curriculum Design and Development: Facilitating New Trends. ISSN: 1117-3259.

d. Editorship

66.M. N. Modebelu, L. O. Eya & J.C. Obunadike (Eds.) (2016). Educational Management: The Nigerian Perspective. Awka: SCOA Heritage Ltd

67.M. O. Ede, E. O. Oleabhiele & M. N. Modebelu, (Eds.) (2015). Fundamentals of Economics Education. Awka: SCOA Heritage Ltd.

68.N. C. Emeasoba, A. C. Ekoh & M. N. Modebelu,(Eds.) (2015). Fundamentals of Business Education: Skills Building Approach. Awka: SCOA Heritage Ltd.

69.U.P.N. Amadi and M. N. Modebelu (Eds.) (2015). Foundations of Curriculum Development: Principles and Practice. Umunze: Annyco. ISBN 978-978-51430-7-7

70.M. N. Modebelu (Ed.) (2015). Foundations of Education in Nigeria: Basic Tool for Entrants. Awka: SCOA Heritage Publishers.

71.J.A. Opara & M. N. Modebelu (Eds.). Journal of Educational & Social Research, 3(5), ISSN 2239-978X(Print) and ISSN 2240-0524(Online).

e.       Proceedings

f.Modebelu, M. N. & Nwakpadolu, G. M. (2014). Managing strategic component of home economics programme for enhanced youth healthy personality development. Hawaii International Conference on Education Proceedings,329-341, ISSN 1541-5880.

g.Modebelu, M. N. & Nwakpadolu, G. N. (2013). Qualitative record management for effective service delivery in Nigerian Educational system. Hawaii International Conference procedings on Education Proceedings, 315-328. ISSN 1541-5880,

h.ModebeluM. N. & Ugwuanyi, S. A. (2014). Managing tertiary education for African nations’ transformation and sustainability. INTED 2014 Proceedings Publication on Technology Education, Valencia-Spain.




TOPIC: Women in Agriculture in Nigeria: The Way Forward

Team-Leader: Modebelu, M. N                                                                                                                                                                                   

1. Kadurumba, C.U. U. U (Ph.D)                                                                

2. Uzoka, R. N.  (Ph.D)                                                                                   

3. Nwaoba, C. N.  (Ph.D)                                                                                                                                                             

 4. Anebi, J. N. P (Ph.D)                                                                                   


2. Ph.D Dissertation: Teachers’ Work Behaviour under Women Principals’ Administration in Secondary Schools in Anambra State, Nigeria. Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka, 2001-2006

3.  M.Ed. Thesis:     Supervisory Behaviour and Teacher Satisfaction in Secondary   Schools in Anambra State of, Nigeria, Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka, 1997-2000.

4.  B.Sc.Ed.:  An Investigation into the Objectives of  Teaching Chemistry   Practical in Secondary Schools in Anambra State of Nigeria, 1986- 1989

5.  N.C.E.:     Comparative Analysis of Afzelia Africana Seed (Mahogany Seed), Anambra State College of Education, Awka, 1981-1984.


  1. 2015 Ghana Academia International Conference in Collaboration with University of Cape Coast on Perspectives in Education, Technological Development, and Agriculture in the 21st Century Africa” at University of Cape Coast on 13th-16th October, 2015.
  2. 2015 34th Annual National Conference of Nigerian Association for Educational Administration and Planning (NAEAP), on “Policy and Practices” at University of Benin, Benin, Nigeria on 5th-9th October, 2014.
  3. 2015, 28th Annual National Conference-CON on “Education, Culture and Values” at Multipurpose Hall A, University of Lagos, Nigeria on 16th-19th September, 2015.
  4. 2015, Annual Conference of the Institute of Education, University of Nigeria, Nsukka on “Global Challenges and Teacher Education in Nigeria” at Princess — Hall on25th-28th August, 2015.
  5. 2015, 1st International Conference of College of Agricultural and Science Education in Collaboration with United Nations Academic Impact-COED-2015 on “Beyond  Academic Tribes and Territories: towards Multidisciplinary Teaching and Research in 21st Century Universities at Senator Anyim Pius Anyim Auditorium MOUAU ON 12TH-16th July. 2015.
  6. 2014 21st First Century Education Forum   on “21st Century Education for Preparing 21st century Citizens” at Tulip Hotel, Knowledge Village, Dubai on 12th-15th November, 2014.
  7. 2014, 33rd Annual National Conference of Nigerian Association for Educational Administration and Planning (NAEAP), Abuja on “Managing and Planning Education for Peace Building in Nigeria NAEAP  at Musa Y’ARADUA Center, Atiku Abubakar Hall Wuse 2–Abuja on 13th-16th October, 2014.
  8. 2014 AATL  on Gender at Abuja- August

9.                  2014, Annual conference of National Society of Educational psychology NSEP, 8th September,

10.              2014 AATL on teaching and learning at Teacher Registration House Conference Hall  Abuja, 24th -29th August.

11.              2013, AATL 3rd International Conferences (ICTL2013, ICSTE2013 & TEEC2013) at Michael Okpara University of Agriculture, Umudike, Abia State-Nigeria on 12-15 August, 2013.

12.              2013, AATL 2nd International Conferences (IIC2013) at Umunze College of Education (Technical) on 1-4 July, 2013.

13.              2012, Annual conference of National Society of Educational psychology NSEP, 5th- 8th September at MOUAU.

14.              2012 Annual Conference of National Council on Educational Psychology, NCEP 5th October,

15.              2012Annual conference of Faculty of Education, Nnamdi Azikiwe University , Awka. 8th August,

16.              2012 Jovana farms workshop/Training Sustainable Animal Farming for Job Creation and Food Security on 30th March, 2012.  

17.               2012 International Research on Capacity Building Foundation on Indigenous Research for the Third World. Johannesburg 14th

18.              Corporate Planning Skills: Student Leadership. Paper Title: Training Education Necessity for Future African Leaders in the Third World.2011,

19.               2nd International Conference By faculty of Education NAU Awka on (6-8th May, 2011) Education Globalization and Reforms (Myths of Science Education: Global Education Initiative for Reforming Science Education In Secondary Schools.

20.              2011 University of Nigeria, Nsukka International Conference, Faculty of Education and Social Sciences on “Education and Transformation UNN 26th -29th September.

21.              2011 National Conference Organized by the Nigerian Council of Educational Psychologists (NCEP) on “Improvement of Intellectual Functioning and Psycho-Social Adjustment of Nigerian School Children. University of PortHarcourt, 5th-8th October, 2011. 

22.              Paper Title: Adapting Instruction to Individual Differences: Strategy for Improving Nigerian child Intellectual Functioning and Psychosocial Adjustment.

23.              4th  2011 National Conference of the Nigerian Society for Psychical Research (NSPR) on the Nigerian Child & Psychopathological Problems NAU Awka. 7th-10th November 2011. Paper Title: Nigerian Child Learning Styles: A Strategy for Psychopathological Problem Control for Effective Education.

24.              2011 UBEC/ASUBEB Teachers Professional Development Programme Organized by Anambra State Universal Basic Education Board held in Nnewi from 18th-22nd April, 2011.

25.              2010 National Conference of the Faculty of Education, Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka on e-Learning in Nigeria: Problems and Prospects Paper Title: Secondary School Teachers Environmental Literacy: A Strategy for Climate Change Management.

26.              2010 Annual Conference of Women Initiate Against Corruption (WIAC) held at Awka on 3rd February, 2010.

27.              2010 International Conference of the Nigerian Association for Educational Administration and Planning (NAEAP) held at Port Harcourt on Educational Management, Environmental Literacy and Climate Change, 26th-29th October, 2010.

28.              2009 Annual National Conference of Association Educational Administration and Planning (NAEAP) on Innovation and Creating held in Anambra State 30th October, 2009. Paper Titles: Secondary School Principals.

29.              2008 2nd National Conference of the Faculty of Education, Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka on E-learning in Nigeria: Problems and Prospect Paper title: Internet use by Secondary School Teachers: Implication for Teachers Preparation.

30.              2008, International Women’s Day on Women Empowerment held at Awka on 13th February, 2008

31.              2007 ETF Sponsored Capacity Building Workshop on Science Acid in Uturu, Abia State University from 2nd to 6th July, 2007.

32.              2007 Annual Conference in Honour OF Prof. B.O. Ukeje: Reforms in Education Industry, Challenges and the Way out. Held At NAU, Awka from 101h- 15th October.

33.              2007 Anambra State Apex day of the National Science and Technology (NASTCH) held at Awka on 4th December, 2007.

34.              2006 Stan (Anambra Chapter) Workshop on Strategies for Effective Teaching and Learning of Science Technology and Mathematics in Schools at Awka from 26th-20th September, 2006.

35.              2005 Stan Workshop for Science Teachers on Information and Communication Technology held Awka from 2nd to 3rd June, 2005.


Foundations of Education, Teaching profession, Teaching Methods in Education, Educational Administration, Educational Supervision and Inspection, Theories of Educational Administration and Supervision, Educational Leadership and Management, Policy Analysis in Education, Administration and Organization of Education in Nigeria, Economics of Education, Comparative Perspectives of Educational Management, Population Studies and Education Management, Legal Aspect of Education, Case Study in Educational Administration etc.

SUPERVISION OF RESEARCH WORKS                                                     

Undergraduate: 15                                                                                                                               

Postgraduate Diploma: 4                                                                                                  

Masters’ Degree in Education: 10                                                                                                     

Doctoral Student: 2


External Examiner and External Examination Moderator Abia State University, Uturu, Abia State, Nigeria.


1. Youth Empowerment on Sexuality and Morality Issues (with particular reference to Girls)

2. Christian Women Empowerment on Environmental Literacy as Strategy for Environmental Degradation Management.

3. Training Rural Women for Basic Family Life-Long Skill-Acquisition (Basic Home Exigency)

4.  Reading & Research

5.  Like meeting people, chatting, listening to music, watching movies etc.

6.  ICT Literacy Skill acquisitions for qualitative learning of educational administration and supervision



               Prof. Lawrence O. Eya,

               Department of Educational Management,                                                                       

               College of Education,                                                                                                   

               Michael Okpara University of Agriculture, Umudike.                                               

               Abia State, Nigeria.


              Prof. Loyce C. Onyali                                                                                                       

              Department of Educational Management and Policy,                                           

              Faculty of Education,                                                                                                  

              Nnamdi Azikwe University,                                                                                     

              Anambra State, Nigeria.                                                                                                                                                                                         


              Prof. Charles O. Ogbodo                                                                                                  

              Department of Educational Administration and Planning                                            

              Faculty of Education                                                                                          

              University of Uyo,                                                                                                  

              Akwa-Ibom State, Nigeria                                                                                     







Signature:                                             Date: 80/02/18

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